here's one about the duo ...

the duo originally comes from South Bend, Indiana (Paranorm meanwhile lives in LA) and had their debut in 1999 on Beastie Boys Grand Royal Label. the duo is still very active and you can find them both on mysapce (
paranorm /
dj strictnine). Plus I especially recommend Paranorms (aka Parakhan) site
here as you can get tons of free mp3s from his work! amazing and big up to the Killa Wolf (another aka of him) for upping those!

now back to the initail purpose of this post which is the debut mentioned above - the "mic reaction-12" on Grand Royal. you get totally 4 tracks on this wax: mic reaction / human ebola / planet wicked & psychological profiles. all the tracks are freakin dope! chilled, dark, spherical....just love that! IMO the best tune is "planet wicked" but make your own decisions...
btw: you can also see the video to "mic reaction" in
tha tube!