aight...u thought that blog was dead?
well, personally I had the same feelings for long time for various reasons. main thing surely was that my damn laptop has a loose contact which results in mono recordings only (great!). then I was and am freakily busy with my job, fam etc.
well, since my homie Hightower (check for "TheMrHightower" on youtube where he is reviewin crazy stuff) ripped these vinyls for me I'm able to finally spread again some great music...hope u gonna enjoy!
In march 2010 I already made a review about the good man PARANORM. meanwhile I got in contact with him and he was kind enough to send me some amazing records which Ima present u now.
first is his contribution in the crew OMNIGOD (= Paranorm, DJ Doz, Another Dimension & Shinichi). this wax was released in 2002 on the Superscience Sex label and according to Paranorm only pressed about 100 times! the 3 tracks on it are all pure fire but personally I dig the "keep my head up" joint the most...but listen urself and decide.
NOTE: this is a full rip including clean, dirty versions and instrumentals plus the shit is in high-quality 320kbps - enjoy!!!
and mad props again to Hightower for the ripz!