this one is definitely one of my most beloved wax in my cratez. it's ADAGIO!s twelve from 1997 (Emo Records) on transparent vinyl. So far i've seen 2 versions of that wax. the one right here (i guess US-pressing) and another version on yellow-transparent-vinyl (guess Japan-pressing, as i've only seen them on JPN-stores so far). at least the one here is definitely the legit 1st press.
the content is 4 tracks totally (the break, everybody, obvious pt.2, my girl) from which some of you might know the first 2 tracks as they've been featured on JR Ewing's famous 97-mixtapes. now there's also another 12" from Adagio which i've in my cratez, looking exactly the same (also clear vinyl, Emo Records 97) but that doesn't feat. the "the break" track.
purest dope fo' sure!