now comin to the "cream" for today's reviews! this gem right here is a mad overseen EP by the German producer ROEY MARQUIS II, released on Quite Force in 1997 (so same year n label as also his other bomb-production "It'z uzelezz by Da Germ, Lin Que & Finsta). ish is so overseen you cannot find it on discogs.com and even not on Roey's homepage (roey-marquis.de)! now here we're talking bout the 4-tracker (incl. 1 beat which is not in this rip) "Vortex EP" that features some of the best worx by Mr. Calogero Randazzo (so RMII's civil name) that I know!
now, the vinyl-dopeness contains following songs by these artists:
Black Foundation - "whateva cleva", some rugged n grimy ish, typically for that time-peroid.
Black Heart - "lyrical fashion", smooth and somehow sad-sounding but dope in all its ways! some (german) peepz might recognize the sample from the later on released by emcee Pal One...
Da Germ - "brooklyn x", my winner on that EP! dark, slow, grimy-that's how I like it!
so, enjoy this great piece o' waxxxx!